Answering all your questions is important to us, so here are a few common questions we get below… However don’t worry if the answer to your questions are not there feel free to get in contact as questions can be very individual to your situation.
What type of person would benefit from a sports massage
A sports massage can benefit a wide range of individuals, particularly those who are physically active or have certain conditions restricting them physically.
Anyone who engages in physical activities, has physically demanding jobs, suffers from certain health conditions, or seeks stress relief can benefit from a sports massage.
What happens in a typical appointment?
An appointment will generally include an assessment and treatment specific to your injury/needs.
it can also include other treatment modalities such as dry needling, cupping if needed/wanted during the session.
How will I feel after my appointment?
This is dependant on the session and treatment provided as well as different individuals experiences.
Occasionally you will feel a little bit sore, bruised or tender after soft tissue work, due to the pressure from deep tissue massage typically.
What are your operating hours?
Opening Hours vary day to day however we are open Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesday AM, Thursday, Friday and Saturday AM.
Follow the link below to see the availability on certain days.
Do I need to bring anything to my appointment?
Please bring water with you to your sessions as sports massage can make you feel a little light headed due to pushing fluids around the body.
Suitable clothing (Shorts, sports bra with access to the majority of your back)

Have additional questions?
We’re here to help. Let’s talk.